Nehalem River Sunset

Posted by
Duck Island Guy ~ Bill Laing Photography (Off the Coast, United States) on 20 September 2011 in Landscape & Rural and Portfolio.

The photograph that is the basis for this image was shot on a DSLR nearly five years ago. I imported it to my iPhone. Once on the iPhone, all the processing apps I use to make iPhone images are available to me. The original photograph (which I happen to really like, as well) is posted HERE. Compare and contrast the two if you please. I'm undecided which I like better. (The "who's your favorite child" question.) Does it make any difference? I think, not.

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." --Marcel Proust

My more conventional photography can be seen HERE.

janina from Melbourne, Australia

I don't need to see the original...I really like this...very dramatic sky and abstract qualities of the pier/jetty arrangement. 4stars. :O)

20 Sep 2011 5:29am

Stew from Milton, Canada

This is like a beautiful painting and would look terrific on the wall. Love the processing and not at all overdone. Which apps did you use if you don't mind me asking?

20 Sep 2011 6:36pm

@Stew: Exposure, contrast, saturation, etc., adjusted in Iris then saved as "file A." ToonPaint used on File A to create a B/W line drawing which is saved as "file B." File B is imported into DXP app; then file A is also imported into DXP as a second layer. Files A and B are then blended within DXP using the various available presets and strength settings to create a look that I like. The result is saved and then imported into LightRoom where I might use the local adjustment brush to dodge or burn before uploading to AM3. There is another detailed explanation of this process that I posted here on 7/29/2011, which you might find helpful. Welcome to AM3. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

klausZ from Kufstein, Austria

impressive colors and interesting processing

20 Sep 2011 7:53pm

RBL from Oxford, United States

Beautiful image, love the silvers, grays, black and touch of gold!

20 Sep 2011 8:54pm

Twojays from South Central Montana, United States

What a sensual mood of lucious rich colors. Also a little gothic. :-}

22 Sep 2011 2:53pm

tanha from Kurdestan-baneh, Iran

nice shot !!
very beautiful art!

22 Sep 2011 6:24pm

LauraS from Chico, United States

I really enjoy this processing. Really fun, and the light is so special.

23 Sep 2011 9:43pm

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

I like the original better.

26 Sep 2011 3:12am

thami from Fès, Morocco

Un traitement réussi et qui transcende la réalité !
Bonne semaine lumineuse!

26 Sep 2011 9:54pm

Stefanie from Paris, France

Nice sunset with these processing.

27 Sep 2011 8:14am

tataray from france, France

Tel un tableau... joli traitement)

28 Sep 2011 7:28pm