The photograph that is the basis for this image was shot on a DSLR nearly five years ago. I imported it to my iPhone. Once on the iPhone, all the processing apps I use to make iPhone images are available to me. The original photograph (which I happen to really like, as well) is posted HERE. Compare and contrast the two if you please. I'm undecided which I like better. (The "who's your favorite child" question.) Does it make any difference? I think, not.
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." --Marcel Proust
My more conventional photography can be seen HERE.
@Stew: Exposure, contrast, saturation, etc., adjusted in Iris then saved as "file A." ToonPaint used on File A to create a B/W line drawing which is saved as "file B." File B is imported into DXP app; then file A is also imported into DXP as a second layer. Files A and B are then blended within DXP using the various available presets and strength settings to create a look that I like. The result is saved and then imported into LightRoom where I might use the local adjustment brush to dodge or burn before uploading to AM3. There is another detailed explanation of this process that I posted here on 7/29/2011, which you might find helpful. Welcome to AM3. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.